This documentary marks the 5 year anniversary of a last minute fundraising show to try help those affected by the terrible floods that wiped out small towns and took lives in Queensland, Australia, 2011.

This night was special; it brought together local and international hiphop artists for a very good cause. It showed the country that when we work together, we can accomplish great things.

The event, held at The Corner Hotel in Melbourne, was organised, booked and promoted in 24 hours, yet managed to sell out the venue with approximately 1000 tickets sold in a day. Fantastic result with a great team of people making sure the night was a success.

Featuring performances by:
Young Lean
Mantra & M-Phazes
Promoe from Looptroop Rockers
Pez & Hailey Cramer
Pharoahe Monch & Boogie Blind with Mela Machinko & Showtyme